My love for wood began at a very young age.

My father had a love for wood and was often making something in his shop. I would often go and work on projects with him.

I was five years old. 

My father was specializing in trim and stair work by the time I was old enough to go on the job with him. I spent my summers working with my father ‘on the job’. 

Since he worked for different builders I was able to see the different styles through my years.

In fact the jobs grew bigger, the house molders and wood accents became more detailed and soon I realized there was incredible varieties and flavors around me. 

Whether it was a rustic barn door, a wine cellar, a furniture grade master closet or study room, a Brazilian library or sunna room the unique styles with all the individual taste just kept growing on me. 

In my thirties I realized that all the different unique flavors that spoke to me came from the wood grown in nature. So I turned my attention to nature for the learning.

With my sawmill and my solar drying building I began cutting and drying wood. I found that the uniqueness was right there in front of me. If I just manage the resources properly.

Why waste the sun’s natural light and heat?

I knew that solar lemon tea was better than boiled tea.

And the wood –  why fight with it when you can just let it speak to you about its beauty?